Game Statistics

0 Yellow Cards 2
0 Red Cards 0
3 Corner Kick 1
4 Saves 3
7 Goal Shots 5
9 Shots 7

Match Results

Team 1st half 2nd Half Goals Possession
PAFC 3 2 5 51
Ab.Graduates 0 0 0 49

Peace Arch FC (W)

  • 50.0%
    Shot Accuracy
  • 65.0%
  • 65.0%
    Passes Accuracy
  • 65.0%
    Total Accuracy

Viet Spirit FC (L)

  • 20.0%
    Shot Accuracy
  • 45.0%
  • 45.0%
    Passes Accuracy
  • 45.0%
    Total Accuracy

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Peace Arch FC

Viet Spirit FC

Match Report

We have already played with the Viet Spirit FC team twice this season. One friendly match in the summer and a regular season game in September. Therefore, we were ready for a difficult match.The guys from Viet Spirit are very unyielding in the fight for the ball. They move quickly and press well.It must be said that our team was a little lucky at the very beginning of the game. At the 10th minute of the match, defender Roja, making his debut in our team, from the right flank, threw over the opposing goalkeeper from a long distance. And 3 minutes later Javi did the same from the left flank with a free kick. Thus, by the 13th minute of the game our team was winning 2:0. It took the guests some time to wake up from the knockdown.However, Issabre, who had already returned to the starting lineup, scored the third goal in the 26th minute. Until the end of the first half, the guests managed to create several dangerous moments near our goal. But as in previous matches Eddy played great.

Bravo Keeper

At the very beginning of the second half, substitute Chala scored the fourth goal and in the 55th minute Issabre scored a double.5:0 and the game is done? But the guests did not want to give up. They took over the initiative and control of the ball. Then our goalkeeper came to the fore. He made some incredible saves and saved a penalty kick late in the game. It was Eddie's evening. No one could score against him that evening. Once again Eddy becomes the undisputed MVP of the week in our team.The game ended with a score of 5:0 and Eddy kept our goal intact. Our team will play two more matches before the Christmas break. In a week we are going to Aldergrove to visit the local Lowlanders