Game Statistics

0 Yellow Cards 1
0 Red Cards 0
6 Corner Kick 2
2 Saves 6
8 Goal Shots 3
13 Shots 5

Match Results

Team 1st half 2nd Half Goals Possession
PAFC 1 2 3 60
Ab.Graduates 0 1 1 40

Peace Arch FC (W)

  • 40.0%
    Shot Accuracy
  • 70.0%
  • 60.0%
    Passes Accuracy
  • 65.0%
    Total Accuracy


  • 30.0%
    Shot Accuracy
  • 35.0%
  • 30.0%
    Passes Accuracy
  • 30.0%
    Total Accuracy

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Peace Arch FC


Match Report

The last match of the year started with a 40-minute delay. Fortunately the weather was not very cold and rainy and the guys did not have time to freeze. However, it still affected the game. In the first minute of the match, Marvin could have scored a quick goal, but the opposing defender managed to knock the ball off the goal line. But our team hardly created more dangerous moments. Our team combined a lot and had an overwhelming advantage, but there were no accurate shots. The visiting defenders defended well, and their goalkeeper played especially brilliantly.Our guys occupied the guests' penalty area but didn't get the decisive shot. The guys from Aldergrove snapped back several times and in one of the counter-attacks they hit the goal very dangerously, but the ball flew close to our goal post. And yet, in the 41st minute of the game, we succeeded in a quick attack and Liban opened the scoring in the match. After another two minutes we could have doubled the score but we were a little unlucky. The score remained unchanged before the break.

We continue the pursuit of leaders

In the second half the game did not change. The guests also defended with almost the entire team and hoped for counterattacks.The opposing goalkeeper played excellently again, saving his own goal several times.In the 58th minute, our team again managed to carry out a good attack. Chala brought Liban one on one with the goalkeeper, who not missed.After that, the team played calmer and in the 75th minute Issabre tripled the score. Shortly before the end of the game, the guests reduced the lead but could not do more. The final score is 3:1 and we leave for the Christmas break in a good mood.