Game Statistics

0 Yellow Cards 0
0 Red Cards 0
5 Corner Kick 2
1 Saves 4
14 Goal Shots 3
17 Shots 4

Match Results

Team 1st half 2nd Half Goals Possession
PAFC 5 4 9 65
NDSC Royals 0 0 0 35

Peace Arch FC (W)

  • 55.0%
    Shot Accuracy
  • 70.0%
  • 60.0%
    Passes Accuracy
  • 65.0%
    Total Accuracy

NDSC Royals (L)

  • 10.0%
    Shot Accuracy
  • 25.0%
  • 15.0%
    Passes Accuracy
  • 35.0%
    Total Accuracy

Watch Video Highlights

Peace Arch FC

NDSC Royals

Match Report

The match on Day 18 was rescheduled from January and did not take place due to weather. But this time we were very lucky with the weather. It was almost a summer evening. Maybe for this reason the team immediately stormed the visitors' goal. And already in the 2nd and 4th minutes Axel scored twice.By the 12th minute of the game, Axel scored his hat trick. Our team played very easily and freely and the guys had fun.At the 17th and 32nd minutes, A.Bhullar scored and cleared up all questions about the winner of this game.

Great game on an almost summer evening

In the second half, the nature of the game did not change. The guests still could not resist our pressure.In the 58th minute Axel scored again. Hussein scored in the 63rd minute, and A.Bhullar scored his hat-trick in the 67th minute. An own goal from the guests at the end of the game put an end to the game. 9:0 and our team is gearing up for the game in Aldergrove against the Lowlanders.