Game Statistics

0 Yellow Cards 0
0 Red Cards 0
4 Corner Kick 11
5 Saves 1
1 Goal Shots 10
4 Shots 18

Match Results

Team 1st half 2nd Half Goals Possession
ASA Graduates 0 0 0 35
Peace Arch FC 2 5 7 65

ASA Graduates (L)

  • 10.0%
    Shot Accuracy
  • 15.0%
  • 10.0%
    Passes Accuracy
  • 15.0%
    Total Accuracy

Peace Arch FC (W)

  • 60.0%
    Shot Accuracy
  • 55.0%
  • 50.0%
    Passes Accuracy
  • 50.0%
    Total Accuracy

Watch Video Highlights

ASA Graduates

Peace Arch FC

Match Report

The end of the winter season takes place with long pauses. The last two match days were postponed due to bad weather.In 4 weeks the team had to play only the second game. Added to this was the heavy rain that covered the valley on Saturday. Therefore, the teams spent a long time getting used to the weather conditions and getting involved in the game. Although the first scoring chance at the graduates’ goal arose already at the beginning of the game. The ball hit the crossbar. For some time, the guys fought not only for an advantage on the field and with bad weather.The first goal was scored in the 22nd minute of the game. After a good pass from Liban, striker Issabre handled the ball perfectly and shot right on target. In the 33rd minute, A. Bhullar, who finally returned to the field, scored the second goal. He was assisted by Jairo. During the first half, our team had several good chances but did not use them. The teams went to the break with the score 2:0 in favor of the guests.

Great game in terrible weather.

Our team started the second half of the match much more actively and in the 49th minute Liban threw the ball over the opponent's goalkeeper from long range. A few minutes after Jairo’s shot, the goalkeeper saved the shot, but A.Bhullar was the first to finish (52`) After this, several substitution were made to the lineup. Our team’s play became even more lively and in the 59th minute Aubrey scored the fifth goal with a long-range shot. At the end of the game, the home team completely fell apart and Jairo managed to score a double in the 77th and 82nd minutes of the game. The final result of the match is 7:0 in our favor. We really hope that this victory after an unsuccessful game with All Utd FC will give us additional strength and we will be able to finish this season with dignity. There are very difficult games ahead of us.