Game Statistics

0 Yellow Cards 1
0 Red Cards 0
4 Corner Kick 5
5 Saves 1
3 Goal Shots 9
4 Shots 14

Match Results

Team 1st half 2nd Half Goals Possession
NDSC Royals 0 2 2 40
Peace Arch FC 3 4 7 60


  • 50.0%
    Shot Accuracy
  • 40.0%
  • 35.0%
    Passes Accuracy
  • 35.0%
    Total Accuracy

Peace Arch FC (W)

  • 50.0%
    Shot Accuracy
  • 60.0%
  • 57.0%
    Passes Accuracy
  • 55.0%
    Total Accuracy

Watch Video Highlights

NDSC Royals

Peace Arch FC

44 42` Junior (Forward)

Match Report

For the first time this season, our team played on a field with natural grass.However, this was not the first surprise for our team. The North Delta Royals entered this game wearing undeclared home uniforms. Instead of red jersey, the owners were dressed in dark blue.Our guys urgently put on orange training bibs on top. As for the start of the game, the home team could have taken the lead in the match already in the first minutes of the game. Team defender G. Sandhu made a pass to our goalkeeper and he, without understanding the situation, took it into his hands. The referee rightly awarded a free kick in our penalty area. However, the home team forgave us. And already in the 7th minute of the game Walter did not forgive the hosts and opened the scoring in the game with an accurate shot. After this, the referee saw a violation of the rules in the home team's penalty area and awarded a penalty kick. At the 21st minute of the first half, Jairo took his chance and doubled the score in the game. In the 28th minute, Jairo scored his third goal in this match and his second in this game. He was assisted by Javi. Overall Jairo was our team's best player in this game

Orange color on green lawn

In the second half of the game, two newcomers to our team entered the field. Forward Hamadoun Issabre under the nickname Benz and midfielder Nuur Thiago. At the 57th minute of the match, Benz scored the first goal for our team and the fourth in the game.After that, Nuur Thiago scored his goal but the referee recorded an offside and canceled it In the 71st minute, Axel scores the fifth goal of the game. He was assisted by A.Bhullar. In the 84th minute, Liban scored the sixth goal of the game. He was assisted by G.Sandhu and Chala. The seventh goal was scored by Benz in the 87th minute of the match. The home team managed to score two goals against us, but this did not spoil our good mood.The team is in a fighting mood preparing for the next game