Game Statistics

1 Yellow Cards 0
0 Red Cards 0
11 Corner Kick 2
0 Saves 7
10 Goal Shots 1
19 Shots 3

Match Results

Team 1st half 2nd Half Goals Possession
PAFC 1 4 5 65
Ab.Graduates 1 0 1 35

Peace Arch FC (W)

  • 50.0%
    Shot Accuracy
  • 65.0%
  • 65.0%
    Passes Accuracy
  • 65.0%
    Total Accuracy

Ab.SA Graduates (L)

  • 80.0%
    Shot Accuracy
  • 35.0%
  • 35.0%
    Passes Accuracy
  • 35.0%
    Total Accuracy

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Peace Arch FC

13 73` Carson Tingvoll (Defender)

Ab.SA Graduates

Match Report

In the game against Abbotford Graduates, our team took the initiative from the first minutes and began systematic attacks.Jairo, Xavi, Tremblay and Findlay had good chances, but in some episode the ball flew past the goal, and in some episode the visiting goalkeeper made no mistakes. In the middle of the first half, the game calmed down and the guests were able to create several dangerous chances. In one of these attacks, our opponent was able to open the scoring in the game. After that, our guys managed to increase the pace of the game again and G.Sandhu equalized the score with a free kick.Before the break, the nature of the game did not change. Our team combined and attacked more, but the draw score did not change.

Well-deserved victory for our team on this cold night

During the break of the game several substitutions were made and A. Bhullar, Axel, Marvin entered the field for the second half. At the 50th minute, our striker Junior assisted by Javi finally scored his first goal this season and brought our team into the lead.Thirteen minutes later, the same Junior was already hitting the goal, the goalkeeper hit the ball in front of himself and A. Bhullar was the first to finish. In the 72nd minute of the game, the midfielder Liban got an excellent shot and the score became 4:1. Axel put an end to this game. After Liban's corner kick, the ball hit the goal post and Axel finished the ball into the goal in the 90th minute. 5:1 a well-deserved victory for our team on this cold night. Ahead of us is not an easy trip to Abbotsford to visit the local Phoenix