Game Statistics

2 Yellow Cards 0
0 Red Cards 0
3 Corner Kick 8
7 Saves 1
1 Goal Shots 7
4 Shots 10

Match Results

Team 1st half 2nd Half Goals Possession
Ab.Phoenix FC 0 0 0 45
Peace Arch FC 2 1 3 55

Ab.Phoenix FC (L)

  • 40.0%
    Shot Accuracy
  • 40.0%
  • 40.0%
    Passes Accuracy
  • 45.0%
    Total Accuracy

Peace Arch FC (W)

  • 60.0%
    Shot Accuracy
  • 55.0%
  • 65.0%
    Passes Accuracy
  • 55.0%
    Total Accuracy

Watch Video Highlights

Ab.Phoenix FC

Peace Arch FC

Match Report

Abbotsford greeted our team with inhospitable autumn rain. Judging by the pre-match warm-up, the opposing team was very determined. Phoenix's victory could bring them closer to the coveted top three. However, the start of the game was discouraging for them. already in the second minute of the game, striker Issabre brought our team ahead. In the next attack in the 5th minute of the game, Liban , after an accurate pass from A.Bhullar, doubled the lead. The home team were not ready for such a start and did not know what to do on the field. In the next attack, Abhay Bhullar gracefully outplayed the defender and burst into the penalty area, but the defender managed to prevent Bhullar by pushing him in the back. The match referee did not notice the violation. Abhay fell unsuccessfully and suffered a shoulder injury. After this, our attacking midfielder was forced to leave the field and later it turned out that he had a broken collarbone. Doctors' verdict - 6-8 weeks without soccer. Gradually the opponent began to come to his senses but created few dangerous moments. The home team started to play hard and sometimes rudely. In our opinion, the referee missed the game and did not react to the rudeness of the Phoenix players. Our team managed to keep its goal intact and the teams went to the break with the score 0:2.

Inhospitable Abbotsford

Our guys again started the second half of the game actively trying to stun the opponent. In the 56th minute, substitute Chala ran towards the goal and accurately shot into the corner of the goal. The home team took some time to come to their senses again, but created a dangerous moment only once. In the middle of the second half, after a corner kick, the opposing striker, ahead of our defenders, hit his head, but made a brilliant save on our goalkeeper Eddy. After this, the opponent again switched to rough play, which was occasionally noticed by the referee. In the second half, the referee showed the Phoenix players two yellow cards, although he should have shown much more and not just yellow. After the final whistle, a small scuffle broke out on the field, but the players were calmed down. After this match, our team scored 22 points but lost one of the team leaders for at least 8 weeks. On the next game day we host the league leader and this match is very important for our team.