Viet Spirit FC (1:1) 2:3 Peace Arch FC

The game against the home team, as expected, turned out to be difficult for our team. Our opponent cleverly structured the game against our fast midfield and did not give free space. And although we managed to quickly open the scoring in the game, S. Findlay did it in the 16th minute of the game after Axel’s assist, it’s difficult to remember any special approaches to the opponent’s goal. It felt as if the team had not yet woken up. The team movement was too slow, the opponent had time to close the free zones. There were also too many inaccurate passes. By the middle of the first half of the game, the home team leveled the game and began to create chances near our goal. Our goalkeeper Eddy saved our team a couple of times. Our players became more nervous about making mistakes. Well, at the end of the first half, the home team succeeded in a quick attack and only at the cost of breaking the rules in the penalty area we managed to stop it. Penalty and the teams went to the break with the score 1:1.

After the break, we managed to increase the pressure on the opponent's goal, but the goal turned out to be a little funny. In the 54th minute of the match, Marvin made a high cross into the opponent's penalty area, and the ball dropped in an arc behind the home goalkeeper. But and this time our team was unable to build on its success. The opponent again seized the initiative and in the middle of the second half, after a protracted attack, equalized the score. Then the game went on with varying degrees of success. Both teams could have taken the lead. Our goalkeeper acted confidently. An excellent chance to take the lead came in the 65th minute when first Axel, then Jairo and Marvin failed to break through the home goalkeeper. And yet, the diligence and perseverance of our guys was not in vain. In the 79th minute of the match, Axel quickly burst into the opponent's penalty area, threw the ball past the goalkeeper and seemed to have already missed it, but managed to make an accurate pass to Chala, which set the final score of the game.

There is a result but the game didn’t work out

Our team scored 6 points and continued to lead the table. But there are still a lot of questions about the game. Our team still has a lot of work ahead.

Peace Arch FC (6:0) 13:0 Ald.Utd B FC

Before the first game of the season there was a little anxiety. Firstly because it was the team's first official game. And secondly, because several players were forced to miss this game. Some due to injury, some due to technical reasons. But our opponent was apparently even more worried. The guests gave us the initiative from the first minutes and were very passive throughout the match. Already in the seventh minute, Akhbay Bhullar opened the scoring in the game with a pass from Axel. After that, our team had several more good chances, but missed them. Well, in the 18th minute of the game Axel doubled the score after Abhay’s assist. On the 26th minute of the game, Abhay gracefully dribbled past several visiting defenders and rolled Sam Findlay's pass into an essentially empty goal. After this, the game was effectively over. The guests were completely confused and did not know what to do on the field. In the 27th minute of the game, Abhay Bhullar scored the fourth goal of the game. At the 32nd minute Walter scores the fifth and at the 36th minute after a corner kick from Abhay he also scores the sixth. 6:0 was on the scoreboard at half-time.

The game in the second half of the match did not change. The guests also had great difficulty trying to get out of defense and often lost the ball in simple situations. We didn't have to wait long for the seventh goal. In the 53rd minute of the game, Axel hit the ball into the net off the guests from Aldegrove with a long shot. Then Bhullar on the 63rd minute, two minutes later Marvin after the assist by Chala on the 65th minute and Axel on the 75th minute make the score in the game not even hockey. Then Chala, Axel, Marvin and Walter created an amazing goal. Chala once again made the defender's head spin with his dribbling and passed the ball into the penalty area to Axel, who with one touch with his heel passed the ball to Marvin, who also rolled the ball out to Walter with one touch. so at the 80th minute of the game the score became basketball. After 3 minutes, Abhay Bhullar forms his goalscoring haul, and after another 5 minutes, Axel does the same.

2 goalscoring haul and one hat-trick in one game!

Result of the game: 13 goals scored, 2 goalscoring haul and one hat-trick. At the end of the game, interrupting the opponent's attack, our captain Carson Tingvoll received a yellow card. A great start to the season, but we have difficult games ahead of us and the guys need to quickly forget about this success and get ready for the next opponent.

Wyvern FC (0:2) 1:3 Peace Arch FC

The game against Wyvern FC was the last pre-season friendly game before start FVSL season 23/24 and the club's first away game. We were opposed by a very strong and fast team. The match began with the opponent's attacks and they managed to create several dangerous chances. However, in the middle of the first half we managed to equalize the game and take control of the game. 28’ minute of the match, we succeeded in a fast attack, after which Chala opened the scoring in the game. Then we only increased the pressure on the opponent's goal and at the end of the first half of the game, after a free kick, Axel (38’) doubled the score in the match.

But it was clear that this was far from a victory and the opponent would not let us finish the game so easily. At the beginning of the second half, the hosts played one goal after the penalty kick. But our guys did not retreat to their goal and not treyd to keep the score, and after another free kick Axel (75’) put an end to this game and scored a brace.

Midfielder of our team Axel scored a double in the game!

The team has successfully completed preparations for the season and is ready to start on September 9th.

Peace Arch FC (1:0) 2:2 Vault FC

The game started with attacks from the guests who immediately took the initiative. In the first minutes of the match, our opponents created several very dangerous moments at once. However, our goalkeeper Eddy kept our goal and luck was also our ally. But by the 15th minute of the match, we managed to find our game and take the initiative for ourselves. At one point, A. Bhullar found Chala in the goalkeeper area and he scored the first goal (18`). Until the end of the first half of the match, we completely controlled the game and had many chances to score more.

In the second half, we continued to attack and create chances, but luck passed to the opponent.Soon we were able to take the lead again.This time already Chala assisted A.Bhullar (65`) who scored for the third game in a row. But a more experienced opponent still put the squeeze on our team a few minutes before the end of full time.

Midfielder of our team Abhay Bhullar scores his third goal in three games and makes another assest!

A draw is perhaps the fair result of this difficult game. Our opponent was an experienced team that had been playing in the league for several years. Our team has passed a good test before the start of a long season.

Peace Arch FC (1:0) 4:1 Viet Spirit FC

Yesterday's game against Viet Spirit FC ended with a confident victory. In the first half Abhay Bhullar (`33) scored сlinical finish. At the end of the first half we conceded a score. In the second half, we again began to actively attack but failed to score.The game became nervous. Both teams fouled a lot.

In one of the collisions, Andy Smith was injured and left the field. Later it turned out that the injury was unpleasant and Andy could miss the start of the season.

Midfielder Andy Smith is injured and could miss the start of the season

Our subs refreshed the game and Samuel Findlay ('72,`83) hit the target twice. These attacks were assisted by Alex Symonenko, Chala and Abhay Bhullar. The point in the game was put by Vadym Kaniuka with Jairo's assisted. It is very important to add that our goalkeeper Eddy played a great game and made several saves.