All United FC (1:1) 2:1 Peace Arch FC

Our team played the first match of the new year away against the pool leader.There was no need for any additional mood. Everyone understood the importance of this match. Our team and the opposing team took to the field to win. The game started cautiously. The guys rated each other. Little by little our team managed to seize the initiative on the field. And already in the 13th minute of the match we managed to open the scoring in the game. After a free kick with a long pass, After a free kick with a long pass, Javi found Jairo on the flank who crossed into penalty area, Liban threw the ball to Issabre and he sent the ball into the opponent’s net with one touch. After that, our team continued to control the ball and the course of the game for some time. But in the second half of the first half, the pink ones managed to seize the initiative in the game. They began to create dangerous chances near our goal and in the 30th minute Villalba equalized the score with a pass from Nunez. After that, the hosts could have taken the lead until the end of the first half, but Eddy played confidently. At the very end of the half, the pink ones forgave us by miraculously not hitting the goal.Our team had a good chance when Hussein missed the far corner of the goal. The first half of the game ended in a 1:1 draw, but it was clear that the hosts began to feel much more confident. In the second half, the hosts continued to put pressure on our goal. They were superior to us in movement, decision-making speed and ball control. Unfortunately, our guys were unable to counter anything. Frequent losses of the ball and inaccurate passes led to the fact that in the 74th minute of the match, the home team's striker Adjei scored the winning goal. Our team failed to create a chance at the opponent's goal. 15 minutes before the end of the match, after a serious injury, our best scorer Bhullar returned to the field, who had just begun to regain his former condition.

The opponent was stronger today and deservedly won.

This defeat dropped our team to third place in Pool B but we still have a good chance of remaining in the top 3 until the end of the season. Today the opponent was objectively stronger and deservedly won. And this defeat should be another lesson for us.

Peace Arch FC (1:0) 3:1 Ald.Outlanders

The last match of the year started with a 40-minute delay. Fortunately the weather was not very cold and rainy and the guys did not have time to freeze. However, it still affected the game. In the first minute of the match, Marvin could have scored a quick goal, but the opposing defender managed to knock the ball off the goal line. But our team hardly created more dangerous moments. Our team combined a lot and had an overwhelming advantage, but there were no accurate shots. The visiting defenders defended well, and their goalkeeper played especially brilliantly.Our guys occupied the guests' penalty area but didn't get the decisive shot. The guys from Aldergrove snapped back several times and in one of the counter-attacks they hit the goal very dangerously, but the ball flew close to our goal post. And yet, in the 41st minute of the game, we succeeded in a quick attack and Liban opened the scoring in the match. After another two minutes we could have doubled the score but we were a little unlucky. The score remained unchanged before the break.In the second half the game did not change. The guests also defended with almost the entire team and hoped for counterattacks.The opposing goalkeeper played excellently again, saving his own goal several times.In the 58th minute, our team again managed to carry out a good attack. Chala brought Liban one on one with the goalkeeper, who not missed.After that, the team played calmer and in the 75th minute Issabre tripled the score. Shortly before the end of the game, the guests reduced the lead but could not do more.

We continue the pursuit of leaders

Our team will play two more matches before the Christmas break. In a week we are going to Aldergrove to visit the local Lowlanders.

Peace Arch FC (3:0) 5:0 Viet Spirit FC

We have already played with the Viet Spirit FC team twice this season. One friendly match in the summer and a regular season game in September. Therefore, we were ready for a difficult match.The guys from Viet Spirit are very unyielding in the fight for the ball. They move quickly and press well.It must be said that our team was a little lucky at the very beginning of the game. At the 10th minute of the match, defender Roja, making his debut in our team, from the right flank, threw over the opposing goalkeeper from a long distance. And 3 minutes later Javi did the same from the left flank with a free kick. Thus, by the 13th minute of the game our team was winning 2:0. It took the guests some time to wake up from the knockdown.However, Issabre, who had already returned to the starting lineup, scored the third goal in the 26th minute. Until the end of the first half, the guests managed to create several dangerous moments near our goal. But as in previous matches Eddy played great. At the very beginning of the second half, substitute Chala scored the fourth goal and in the 55th minute Issabre scored a double.5:0 and the game is done? But the guests did not want to give up. They took over the initiative and control of the ball. Then our goalkeeper came to the fore. He made some incredible saves and saved a penalty kick late in the game. It was Eddie's evening. No one could score against him that evening. Once again Eddy becomes the undisputed MVP of the week in our team.The game ended with a score of 5:0 and Eddy kept our goal intact.

Bravo Keeper

Our team will play two more matches before the Christmas break. In a week we are going to Aldergrove to visit the local Lowlanders.

Aldergrove Utd B (1:2) 2:6 Peace Arch FC

Many players did not take part in this game for various reasons. Some due to injuries, some were suspended, some for other reasons. There were only three people on the team's subs list, including the goalkeeper.It must also be said that the game was played on natural grass, which was unusual for most players.Our guys tried to forget about the big victory over their opponents in the first half of the season (13:0), so the game started cautiously.However, the opponent did not give us the opportunity to get used to the natural field and the new combination of players in the lineup and quickly opened the scoring in this game.In the first 15 minutes of the game, our guys got used to the different bounce of the ball and the grip on the grass and took the initiative into their own hands.Findlay and Marvin had good chances, and after another corner kick, defender Nuur Thiago performed a magnificent bicycle kick and only an incredible save by the home goalkeeper did not allow us to equalize the score. In the second half of the first half, our team had already seized a total advantage, although the home team tried to quickly counterattack.Our team equalized the score in the 35th minute of the game. Aubrey made a good shot from Liban's pass. And in the 41st minute of the game Liban brought our team lead.Our team had a few more good chances, but the score remained the same 2:1 in the first half.At the beginning of the second half, the home team launched a quick counterattack, and the opposing striker ran to meet our goalkeeper. But somehow, magically, Eddie saved our team. After that, Aubrey showed how to convert their chances and scored the third goal in the 56th minute. However, the home team quickly reduced the score in the game. The referee rightly awarded a penalty against us. After that, our team managed to get the ball under control again and no longer give it back to the opponent.In the 61st minute of the game, Liban scored the fourth goal and 10 minutes later, in the 71st minute, Javi scored the fifth.The final point in the game was put by Hussein, who made a successful debut for our team. He deftly threw the ball behind the home team's goalkeeper from long range.

We continue to move towards the goal

In this game, our guys again showed their character, playing not only for themselves but also for their teammates who missed this match.

NDSC Falcons (0:0) 0:0 Peace Arch FC

Our team did not enter the final match of the first half of the season with an optimal lineup.The main sniper of the team, A. Bhullar, continues to receive treatment. By decision of the league's disciplinary committee, defender Tingvoll was suspended for 6 games, forward Issabre for 2 games, defender Javi for one game and coach Manzar for 4 games.And yet, we were able to put on a fighting squad for the match against the Falcons.The game started with a slight embarrassment. 10 minutes into the game the lights went out on the field.But we didn’t have time to be afraid of another cancellation of the game and postponement of the match. After 5-7 minutes the lights were turned on and the game resumed.As a result of the league's harsh decision on the last game, our players were a little constrained.The team lacked speed in movement.But in the second half of the first half, the guys found their game and began to threaten the opponent’s goal. Jairo and Findlay had good moments.The home team also created chances near our goal, but our goalkeeper Eddy played flawlessly. And yet, it seemed to us that our team played the first half of the game a little better than the opponent, although they did not score any goals. Falcons started the second half of the match very actively. They took the ball away from our team and controlled it perfectly.Eddy began to enter the game much more often and saved our team a couple of times. Only 20 minutes after the break our team was able to level the game. Junior missed a great opportunity. Chala had another good chance. And at the end of the game our team could have snatched victory, but Axel missed 100 percent of the chance. He went one on one with the goalkeeper and threw the ball not only over him but also over the goal.

Good game against a strong opponent, fair result

This is the second draw of our team this season, but the result of this game is fair. Getting ready for the trip to Aldergrove on the next matchday.

Abbotsford Phoenix FC (0:2) 0:3 Peace Arch FC

Abbotsford greeted our team with inhospitable autumn rain. Judging by the pre-match warm-up, the opposing team was very determined. Phoenix's victory could bring them closer to the coveted top three. However, the start of the game was discouraging for them. already in the second minute of the game, striker Issabre brought our team ahead. In the next attack in the 5th minute of the game, Liban , after an accurate pass from A.Bhullar, doubled the lead. The home team were not ready for such a start and did not know what to do on the field. In the next attack, Abhay Bhullar gracefully outplayed the defender and burst into the penalty area, but the defender managed to prevent Bhullar by pushing him in the back. The match referee did not notice the violation. Abhay fell unsuccessfully and suffered a shoulder injury. After this, our attacking midfielder was forced to leave the field and later it turned out that he had a broken collarbone. Doctors' verdict - 6-8 weeks without soccer. Gradually the opponent began to come to his senses but created few dangerous moments. The home team started to play hard and sometimes rudely. In our opinion, the referee missed the game and did not react to the rudeness of the Phoenix players. Our team managed to keep its goal intact and the teams went to the break with the score 0:2. Our guys again started the second half of the game actively trying to stun the opponent. In the 56th minute, substitute Chala ran towards the goal and accurately shot into the corner of the goal. The home team took some time to come to their senses again, but created a dangerous moment only once. In the middle of the second half, after a corner kick, the opposing striker, ahead of our defenders, hit his head, but made a brilliant save on our goalkeeper Eddy. After this, the opponent again switched to rough play, which was occasionally noticed by the referee. In the second half, the referee showed the Phoenix players two yellow cards, although he should have shown much more and not just yellow. After the final whistle, a small scuffle broke out on the field, but the players were calmed down.

Inhospitable Abbotsford

After this match, our team scored 22 points but lost one of the team leaders for at least 8 weeks. On the next game day we host the league leader and this match is very important for our team.

Peace Arch FC (1:1) 5:1 Abbotsford SA Graduates

In the game against Abbotford Graduates, our team took the initiative from the first minutes and began systematic attacks.Jairo, Xavi, Tremblay and Findlay had good chances, but in some episode the ball flew past the goal, and in some episode the visiting goalkeeper made no mistakes. In the middle of the first half, the game calmed down and the guests were able to create several dangerous chances. In one of these attacks, our opponent was able to open the scoring in the game. After that, our guys managed to increase the pace of the game again and G.Sandhu equalized the score with a free kick.Before the break, the nature of the game did not change. Our team combined and attacked more, but the draw score did not change.

During the break of the game several substitutions were made and A. Bhullar, Axel, Marvin entered the field for the second half. At the 50th minute, our striker Junior assisted by Javi finally scored his first goal this season and brought our team into the lead.Thirteen minutes later, the same Junior was already hitting the goal, the goalkeeper hit the ball in front of himself and A. Bhullar was the first to finish. In the 72nd minute of the game, the midfielder Liban got an excellent shot and the score became 4:1. Axel put an end to this game. After Liban's corner kick, the ball hit the goal post and Axel finished the ball into the goal in the 90th minute. 5:1 a well-deserved victory for our team on this cold night.

Well-deserved victory for our team on this cold night

Ahead of us is not an easy trip to Abbotsford to visit the local Phoenix